Bad Bailouts and Wooden Arrows
Quick, how are rum distillers, stockcar race track owners, wool researchers, TV and movie producers, and wooden arrows different from middle class home owners? ((Photo courtesy of ryaninc. I just can’t pass up an opporutnity to quote The Pirates of the Carribean…))
Give up? The home owners aren’t benefiting one dime from the bailout legislation!
Obviously, (almost) no one has the time to read 451 pages of this proposal – and that’s what some people are counting on. Thankfully, someone read it and found some startling things.
I’ve taken the liberty of putting together a list of the citations to my favorites:
- Rum distillers (p279:11-19)
- Stock car race track owners (p290:1-9)
- Wool research (p295:7-296:13)
- TV and movie producers (p298:6-300:19)
- Wooden arrows (p300:20-301:18)
Wool research??? Its warm and itchy. What’s to research???
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