Review: TNT’s Leverage

I’ve been looking forward to watching the premier of a new TV show called, “Leverage” on TNT. I first saw a teaser preview during the summer.
I happen to like Timothy Hutton. I was a big fan of the Nero Wolfe mystery series on A&E a few years back. ((Unfortunately, A&E in their infinite wisdom decided to cancel this show. I believe they began airing reruns of “CSI: Who Gives A Damn” instead.))
If you like caper movies/shows, chances are you’re going to enjoy Leverage. Its in the same vein as Ocean’s Eleven and Hustle. If you haven’t seen Hustle, its a BBC import shown on AMC about a group of con artists.
For those keeping score at home, I’d liken Leverage to:
- Ocean’s Eleven
- Hustle
- Burn Notice
- Sneakers
- A-Team ((Come on, you know you liked it.))
- Mission Impossible
- The Sting
Leverage even has its own Alternate Reality Game. Its good for a few minutes diversion.
The premier of Leverage was on last night on TNT. I expect they’ll show an “encore” sometime in the near future. In any case, its going to be on Tuesday night at 10:00 PM.
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