‘Tis the Season

After a short break from blogging, I off two tidbits: one full of holiday cheer… and the other about an incorrigible Grinch. ((Photo courtesy of slworking2))
Holiday Cheer
A few days before Christmas I received an extremely nice e-mail from David DePaolo, of WorkCompCentral fame. He had read my blog post about my local food bank and made his own donation to his local food bank. Thank you David!
Incorrigible Grinch
I have a loud neighbor. They talk on the phone loud, watch TV loud, play music loud, etc. Loud enough so that I can hear whatever it is they’re doing over my own TV with the doors and windows closed. The night before Christmas Eve at around 8 O’clock PM they were playing something that sounded like a marching band – complete with tubas. I couldn’t tell if it was a radio or TV or what – but it was extremely loud. Being a good neighbor and filled with the aforementioned holiday cheer, I went out onto my patio and hollered, “Hey! Turn it down already!” In a few minutes their marching band music died down to a low rumble.
A few minutes later I find out that I had just yelled at a group of teenagers with instruments walking down our street… carrolling. That’s right, I yelled at carolers – I’m the Grinch.
Ho ho ho!
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