Workers’ Compensation Specialization Boot Camp

The Workers’ Compensation Specialization Boot Camp on July 16 and 17 in Los Angeles was a packed house. ((Photo courtesy of jumpinjimmyjava)) If you missed out, there’s another chance to attend on July 30 and 31 in Concord.
If you did attend the seminar in Los Angeles, I promised you a copy of all of the cases cited during the presentation on Permanent Disability. Here’s the basic outline along with a download link for every case I cited:
- Permanent Disability
- Psychiatric Injuries
- Apportionment
- Rating
- (Updated 7/18/2011!) Flash Card Take Away
- Please register for a free account with to download this file.
- Seriously – free as in free. There’s no charge, no credit card anything.
- Please register for a free account with to download this file.
Permanent Disability
Cal Labor Code § 4660
Description of disability
1997 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
Rebutting the 1997 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
2005 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
Permanent Impairment
Rebutting the 2005 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
Almaraz/Guzman II
Guzman “III”
Ogilvie II