Have you taken the EAMS Survey?

The Division of Workers’ Compensation has posted a link to an EAMS survey. I noticed a lot of fliers around the Oakland District office of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board for this survey in the last few weeks.
Having taken the survey, I’m not optimistic its going to do anyone any good. My problem with the survey is the inherent question bias.
Several of the survey questions deal with the availability and efficacy of EAMS training resources. Take it from someone who actually designs software user interfaces – if people don’t like the user interface or the way your software works, they will either not use it or try to find ways around it. The only viable solution is to design a system that doesn’t need a lot of training and explanation.
This is really shows the engineering perspective on the problem. Once engineers have designed the system, its up to the user to read the manual and figure it all out. The problem is not sufficient education, training, and understanding. People are not suddenly going toembrace EAMS because now they understand how it works.
While its more work to comb through open ended responses from users, at least those answers will be more representative of their opinions. Take the final question, for example: “Please identify the top 3 improvements that you would like to see in EAMS . Please choose three and rank them in order of priority.” Your only choices are:
- Completing the OCR forms (formatting issues)
- Completing the OCR forms (ambiguity re: required information)
- Completing the OCR forms (technical issues)
- Document processing times at the WCAB offices
- WCAB clerks’ lack of knowledge regarding EAMS
- Availability of EAMS information and documents when appearing at the WCAB for hearings.
- Procedural inconsistencies amongst WCAB offices
- Too much paper
- Too few forms available online
- Cover sheet / Separator Sheet
- Limited availability of EAMS Access for external users
- Limited amount of information available on public search
- Assistance with EAMS forms from DWC call center
- Other
This can’t possibly be an exhaustive list of user concerns with EAMS. What other EAMS related issues do you perceive?