It’s All In Your Head

Here at PDRater, I like to impart a little bit of medical knowledge when I can. I’ve shown you how swearing can reduce pain, blue M&M’s can heal spinal injuries and now… sugar is much better for you than previously thought.
Scientists are discovering that placebos are becoming more and more effective. In order to determine a particular drug is efficacious, they need to perform controlled tests using the real drug in one group and another group taking fake (usually just sugar) pills.
There is no logical reason placebos should have any effect, let alone an effect similar to the real drug being dispensed to the non-control group. The only explanation I can think of is that people are putting so much faith in the healing power of modern medicine and drugs that they are literally thinking themselves better.
So… what have we learned today? As best as I can tell, we’re supposed to curse and eat sugar and candy. ((Photo courtesy of Scroy65))
Thanks Wired!