200th Registered User!
It was not very long ago I announced 100 registered users for this site. Today there are more than 200 registered users of this website. ((Photo courtesy of Mark Strozier.)) Since that time:
- I’ve added several new workers’ compensation calculators and EAMS search functions. ((Scroll down about halfway to see the list of new calculators.))
- I’ve also recently updated the look for the website.
- I’ve managed to publish a post every weekday. As of today, there will be 81 posts. ((As long as the economy and presidential election keeps giving me material, I’m not afraid of writer’s block.))
Wikipedia has this to say about the number 200:
- 200 MeV is the temperature of quark-gluon plasma phase transition. ((Of course it is…))
- An HTTP status code indicating a successful connection.
- The sum of dollars given in the classical Monopoly game to a player passing Go.