One cookie, three fortunes! That’s good luck, right?

I got Chinese take-out on Saturday night. I know I had promised a review of online glasses retailers, but I just had to share this with you. Tune in tomorrow for the review and the day after for the review. My fortune cookie had three fortunes in it! ((Original photo courtesy of TheTruthAbout. Photo editing – all me!)) I typically consider this lucky. Saturday… not so much.
Saturday night was February 28th, as in the end of the month. I didn’t notice anyone drawn to me. ((You know – any more than usual.))
Soon is relative, so I guess this could still come true.
This one undoubtedly came true. In the wee hours of Sunday morning an unexpected visitor presented themselves. My typically delightful moo shu paid me a visit in the form of food poisoning.
Anyone interested in some Chinese take-out leftovers?