Nerds Are The New Cool

Yeah, I said it. And, I don’t care that it sounds ridiculously self-serving. Frankly, I think iTunes, MySpace, and instant messaging are to blame. These three things, more than anything else, made computers cool.
You think mechanics and handymen were always considered cool manly-men? No way. First cars and home improvement had to be cool. THEN the guys who fix/maintain those things became cool.
There was a day when computers and the internet were only good for word processing and searching libraries. When these things were not indispensable, there were no real uses for nerds. You know, besides copying their homework.
I think the first time anyone ever thought I was cool for being a nerd was when I was in law school. A fellow law student had a floppy disk (yeah, it was that long ago…) that stopped working. The campus tech guys were unable to do anything about it. I asked if I could take a look – and was able to recover the data.

These days a nerd can save your iPod, iPhone, laptop, recover your lost passwords, convert your files, and set up your wireless network. They keep your computers virus free, network humming along, and your e-mails arriving right on time.
Heck, sometimes they even build online web-based workers’ compensation calculators which crank out permanent disability ratings and let everyone use them for free.
So, why not hug a nerd today?
This Public Service Announcement has been brought to you by Huey Lewis and the News, because it really is “Hip To Be Square.”