New Legislation and Calculator Updates!

As you are probably aware there have been a number of changes to workers’ compensation benefit rates lately. The Administrative Director issued the latest temporary disability maximum and minimum rates based upon the most recent increases in the state average weekly wage. These rate changes effect temporary total disability, temporary partial disability, death benefits, and permanent total disability benefits.
More interestingly, the legislature brought several reform changes with SB 863 to California workers’ compensation benefits late on Friday August 31, 2012. If you check out the updated Labor Code Section 4453, you’ll notice there is a new maximum permanent partial disability rate for the highest levels of permanent disability for dates of injury after 1/1/2013. And, reviewing Labor Code Section 4658, you’ll see the 15% adjustments have been removed for dates of injury after 1/1/2013.
All of the website’s calculators have been updated to reflect these latest changes! Enjoy!