Another Three New EAMS Calculators!

As you know, last Monday I brought you two new EAMS calculators / search engines which were basically an improved search engine for the EAMS ADJ number lookups and EAMS office lookups.
The IT guy for my law firm wrote an e-mail to me on Friday suggesting:
Hey, how about a body part search function on your website? That might be useful sometime.
First off, thank you for the suggestion TK! Secondly, I was actually in the process of building such a calculator on Sunday September 21, 2008 when my laptop stopped working. My laptop was fixed on Friday (more tomorrow) and I was able to finish the EAMS body part to body part code search function.
- With the EAMS Body Part Codes search engine, you can search for the EAMS code associated with a body part of your choice. And, just in case you receive an Application for Adjudication of Claim or some document referencing the EAMS Body Part Code, you can even do a reverse lookup – searching by the EAMS Body Part Code!

I was so happy to get my laptop back I built a whole new EAMS search engine and a better way to access forms. After having a hell of a time trying to locate the proper document type and document title on Friday I decided to make this my next project.
- With the EAMS Document Type and Title search engine, you can search for an EAMS Document Title by the document type or document title itself.
With the new EAMS forms on the DWC forms page, you now have a bewilderingly large number of forms to search through in order to find the one you need. Not only do you have to look through the 136 different forms offered by the page, but the EAMS forms are not easily distinguishable from the non-EAMS forms.
- What I’ve done is create an EAMS and DWC forms search engine which scans through the DWC’s lists of forms by the form type, form name, and form number, and generates a list of just the forms which fit your search. On my forms search engine, the EAMS forms will be highlighted so you know its an EAMS form at a glance.
And THAT is how I squandered my weekend.