Virtual Real Estate – Part II – Less Obvious Benefits

The last post in this series was about the obvious benefits of owning your own web space and domain name. However, there are a lot of other benefits which might be less obvious. Frankly, I didn’t realize these benefits until well after I had set up my own website.
Virtual Real Estate – Part II – Less Obvious Benefits
- Outsmart spam. When I need to sign up for a new online service or website, I just create a new e-mail address – and point it to my real e-mail address. For example, If I want to sign up for, I register with the address, “” If I start getting spam sent to that address – I delete the e-mail account!
- Organization. Just as with spam avoidance, I can create e-mail accounts for differnet purposes and have them all routed to the same place. Later on, I can search for information I sent myself (or had others send me) by searching for “”
- Portability. If you may need files while you’re out and about, just upload them to your website and have the file available anywhere.
- Redundancy. There are a lot of companies that charge for online backups. Why not just do it yourself?
- Resiliency. I made a point of purchasing the domain names through a different company than the one hosting my web space. If one of those companies were to suddenly go off-line, I would be able to put up a new site in roughly an hour. If the web host is down, just upload a new copy of your website to a new host and connect it to your original domain name. If the domain name host is down, just buy a new domain name and point the web host to the new name.
Next in this series: I haven’t thought of a next segment yet!