Quis instruo ipsos instructus?
The Latin phrase “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” means, “who will watch the watchers?”
The above phrase means, “Who will train the trainers?” Answer: The DWC.
Today our office manager is stepping into the brave new world of EAMS. (Thanks Monique!) August 15, 2008 is the Northern California training session for anyone who wanted to learn about EAMS in order to train their office.
Those of you who missed the EAMS training session in Southern California and aren’t going to make it today can get a glimpse into the future by reading the “EAMS Train The Trainer Overview.” The Board website also has a wealth of information about the system, demos, videos, etc.
Maybe our office manager will be able to answer my biggest EAMS question: If EAMS is web based, why does everyone at the Board need a separate monitor for it???
Golf or EAMS training?
I may be a nerd, but I’m not totally hopeless. See you on the green!