Goggles4U Review, epilogue

Last week I posted a Goggles4U.com review. ((Photo courtesy of Morningstar Lee)) My review was favorable despite having received glasses that didn’t really work for me. It just so happens, according to my eye doctor, that some people are more sensitive to the “Base Curvature.” I happen to be one of those people and there’s no way either I or Goggles4U could have known that. The bottom line is that I received glasses with the exact prescription I specified- you can’t ask more than that.
After trying out this pair of glasses for a week I notified Goggles4U customer service that I was too sensitive to the “Base Curvature.” They responded immediately and gave me a code to order a new pair. I placed the order on 2/27/2009, sent them an e-mail specifying a comfortable range for the Base Curvature. The new glasses arrived on 3/7/2009.
These new glasses, with transition/polychromatic lenses, are great. I haven’t had any problems with them at all. I will still take them back to my eye doctor to confirm, because I think any review would be incomplete without an independent confirmation from a medical professional.
In end sum, I would recommend Goggles4U without reservation. Check out my prior review (now updated!) for the complete review and a Goggles4U coupon.