MicroSoft: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

A few days ago I posted about how to prevent spam. That method works in most instances by allowing you to give out fake e-mail addresses. It also works most of the time against the shadier kinds of people/entities sending out spam.
However, few methods will work that spam is coming from a legitimate source. A few days ago I received spam about “Bing.” This is a new MicroSoft search engine, intended to be a competitor to Google. I’m using the term “competitor” loosely here. This spam e-mail was from “” ((Photo courtesy of Annie Mole))
A recent blog post on summed up MicroSoft woes. The “I’m a PC” ads are just not as compelling as the “Mac ads” with Justin Long. The Zune is a poor shadow of the iPod/iPhone. Hell, Windows Vista can’t compete with Windows XP. On top of it all, the recent public interest in cheap laptops/netbooks has made Linux an actual competitor in the marketplace.
But, stooping to spamming? Can I really expect to be receiving e-mails about MicroSoft along with Nigerian investment oportunities, hot young singles in my area, and erectile dysfunction medication?
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