I can fix that!
Broken calculators? Nothing a little duct tape won't fix...

Yesterday from about noon to 4pm the server which hosts this website (and many others) was down.  This unfortunately lead to an interruption for which I apologize. ((Photo courtesy of mhuang))  During this time I was unable to send/receive emails and the website was unavailable.

The hosting company I use is very good.  When there’s been downtime it normally occurs during non-peak hours and is very short in duration.  This was an anomaly.

Anyhow, everything is back on line and open for business.

THIS is how you do an expedited hearing

I obtained two walk through settlements yesterday morning.  I’m feeling pretty good.

Oh, did I forget to mention one was in Santa Rosa and the other in Oakland? ((Photo courtesy of brian.stein))

What has four eyes and smells like burning rubber?


Please don't sue us!
Please don't sue us!

This last weekend I stayed overnight at a hotel in Chico.  In the planters next to the parking lot they had placed these disclaimers/warning labels that read, “OXFORD SUITE HOTEL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER SPOTTING DUE TO SPRINKLERS.” ((Sign, parking lot, shrubbery, and wood chips are the sole responsibility of Oxford Suite Hotel – no matter what disclaimers they put up.  Photo by Jay Shergill, all rights reserved.))

This brought to mind any number of responses:

  • “Oxford Suite Hotel not responsible for water”
  • “Oxfor Suite Hotel not responsible for H2O on your H2”
  • “Oxford Suite Hotel:  You failed physics in high school, didn’t you?”
  • “Oxford Suite Hotel:  Newton and Einstein – what bastards!”
  • “Oxford Suite Hotel:  Life’s tough.  Buy a helmet.”
  • “Oxford Suite Hotel not responsible for the administration of midnight beating for people who complain about water spotting due to sprinklers.  You brought that on yourself.”

I’m sure some idiot called their management to complain about how the sprinklers had left spots on their car.  When you think about it, Oxford Suite Hotel should be responsible for the installation, functioning, and maintenance of their own sprinklers, just as people who own vehicles should be responsible for the care and maintenance of their own vehicles.

There’s no making some people happy.  If they are going to complain about thier vehicle getting wet, while it’s outside, they’re going to complain about the lighting, the room, the service, the sheets, the ice being too cold, the A.C. being too loud, and the TV being too dry.

Here’s a decent business model: sprinklers automatically spray a customer’s car as soon as they pull up.  If they moan about spotting, send them on their way.  If they thank you for washing their car, offer them a complimentary breakfast with their stay.

In any case, I blame the huge evil sign industry that has purchased our elected officials.

...and she was reading this!
...and she was reading this!

Yesterday morning I was driving to the San Jose Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board along 680 in the midst of some pretty gnarly traffic.  A woman followed me in her black Infiniti from roughly Danville to Dublin, tailgating. ((Photo courtesy of BillyPalooza))

She was following me so closely, I could literally read her lips as she was chanting, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”

I kid you not.

We can

It turns out that this website is actually in the top 5% of all blogs in the WORLD.  Where did I get this incredible statistic?  The Internets, of course. ((Photo courtesy of Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com))

While there are some 133,000,000 blogs in the world, all but 7,400,000 of them have been abandoned.  ((Apparently not updating a blog in four months is considered abandoning it.))  Since I add a blog post on average at least once a week, I’m quite safely in the top 7.4 million blogs.  That doesn’t even count the number of updates to the permanent impairment and permanent disability calculators.

Top 5%!  I wish I had prepared a speech.