Website Upgrade to WordPress 2.7!

I upgraded the website to WordPress 2.7 RC 1 over the weekend.
I generally do not bother installing the updates between the major upgrades. My major concern in upgrading is eliminating possible security issues and obtaining additional program features. I maintain a totally separate website from, also running on WordPress, where I install the very latest versions of WordPress and try out new variations on the look-and-feel of this website, new calculators, and new ideas about how best to present the current calculators.
Very late Wednesday night I upgraded this website to WordPress v2.7. I’m not sure I fully appreciate how much better it might be than the various release candidates.
Thursday morning I discovered an unintended effect of upgrading is that it “broke” one of my plugins. (Reza: Thanks for pointing it out!) I had modified an existing plugin, EasyPayPal, to allow this website to accept credit card payments. WordPress v2.7 changed the user profiles area of the website – and made it so that instead of seeing an option to become a paid subscriber, you just saw a cryptic PHP error. This is nothing that would have compromised a credit card number or anything – it just would have prevented anyone from giving me money.
A little bit of bug testing, one new line of code and its back up and running. :)