Road Warrior Checklist – Appearances

Appearances, whether for a hearing or deposition, require additional equipment, preparation, and forethought. Here’s what I carry with me when I’m scheduled to appear.
- Cell phone
- Phone numbers for the office, destination, and client programmed in the day before.
- Photocopier code programmed into the phone.
- Includes calculator. ((Since workers’ compensation is really just math.))
- Alarm. When parking at a meter, set the phone’s alarm for 5 minutes before time expires.
- Address and phone number of destination programmed in the day before.
- Money
- $5 is the bare minimum, in case I need to be across a bridge on short notice.
- Quarters for parking.
- Bills for photocopies.
- Copy cards.
- Every time I use a copy card, I write the date and amount remaining on it in permanent ink.
- BART tickets
- I consider $5 a minimum, in case I need to be in S.F. on short notice.
- Dictaphone
- Extra batteries.
- Leather bound folder
- Legal pad
- PD chart
- Mini-rating manual for 1997 and 2005 ((I’ve created my own “mini-rating” manual. Its basically comprised of excerpts from the 1997 and 2005 manuals. Carrying this obviates the need for the 100+ page manuals.))
- Settlement documents.
- You never know when a case might unexpectedly settle.
- Record release forms.
- You never know when a settlement might fall through.
- Backpack
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