Ogilvie DFEC Rebuttal Calculator – Beta testing continues

I launched the Ogilvie DFEC Rebuttal Calculator on Saturday morning to a select group of beta-testers. ((By “select group” I mean anyone who asked me if they could help.)) When I upgraded a person’s access to the website they had no problem seeing the workers’ compensation calculator.
Unfortunately, not one of them was able to actually use the thing. Last night my wife suggests the problem might be, “maybe they are using a different version or its not refreshed or something”?
And you know what? She was right. My wife, the hacker. ((Photo courtesy of gutter.))
I’ve written several protections into these calculators to insulate my users from having to deal with problems or bugs from newly installed code. I would much rather a user sees nothing than get a wrong answer. And nothing is exactly what my users saw. I had remembered to allow my beta testers to see the Ogilvie DFEC Rebuttal Calculator – but forgot to give them access to calculator.
So, the beta-test period will continue for another day or two while I await feedback from my users.
If you’d like to see what the Ogilvie DFEC Rebuttal Calculator looks like or want to try to use it, just sign up for free and shoot me an e-mail asking for access.
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