Annual Meeting of The State Bar of California – Monterey

There was a great turn out this morning to the “How to Obtain an Accurate PD Rating with the AMA Guides” put on by the Workers’ Compensation Section of the State Bar. We covered a lot of ground in just two hours, from the DEU perspective presented by Annalisa Faina and Barry Knight entitled “Anatomy of Rating”, to Mark Gearheart’s “Substantial Medical Evidence to Support a Permanent Disability Rating,” and my own presentation on “Litigating Ogilvie.” There was a lively discussion on the state of Almaraz/Guzman, Blackledge, and Ogilvie. ((Lively as in “barely civil”)) ((I’m kidding!))
Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me asking for the cases cited during our presentations. I’ll be uploading them shortly.
Tonight is the “2010 Steve Jimenez Special Recognition Awards” honoring:
- Lifetime Achievement: The Honorable Pamela Foust (Ret.)
- Judge of the Year: The Honorable Jorja FrankHon. Jorja Frank
- Applicant Attorney of the Year: Marc Marcus
- Defense Attorney of the Year: Michael Marks
If you’re attending tonight, please stop me and say hello! (I’ve got a name tag and everything)