Want to be a beta tester?

I’m working on a new calculator and I could use some beta testers. ((Photo courtesy of CaptPiper))
If you’re interested, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
I’m working on a new calculator and I could use some beta testers. ((Photo courtesy of CaptPiper))
If you’re interested, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from a beta tester, Jeff Duarte, who was having trouble with one of my calculators. He said that he didn’t really understand how to use a particular calculator. My response was:
The problem is not you, its me. :) If I designed my calculator better you wouldn’t have any questions.
Seriously – sorry Jeff, its my bad. My goal is to make these calculators so easy and intuitive to use that no workers’ compensation professional would have any trouble figuring out how to use them. If you don’t figure out how to use it just by looking at it, I designed it wrong. ((Photo courtesy of TreMichLan. Terrible pun – all me!)) Getting feedback is a very important and instructive process for me. It lets me figure out what works for people and what doesn’t.
The good news is that Jeff”s suggestions have given me an idea on how to make two calculators easier to use and for two entirely new features!
I’ve just built another new workers’ compensation calculator. Actually, it is a look up tool that will help workers’ compensation professionals file documents with EAMS. ((Photo courtesy of Irene on the run))
While I think the recent Verify!® social security number validator may be more intriguing for defense attorneys and claims examiners, I think this new EAMS tool will probably be more useful to Applicant attorneys.
Interested? Just drop me a line to become a beta tester!
Last week I posted about a recent case from the San Jose WCAB that indicated a life pension SAWW ((SAWW means State Average Weekly Wage)) increase is applied on the first January 1 after the date of injury. You can find a download of the XYZZXSJO2 case here.
I’ve just finished the COLA / SAWW future life pension rate calculator to determine what the future life pension rates are assuming a COLA / SAWW increase of 4.7% per year. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester for this COLA / SAWW calculator for life pension increases, please drop me a line and ask for access. ((If you have already helped me out as a beta tester, you already have access to this calculator.))
Please keep in mind that this is not a life pension with SAWW / COLA increase commutation calculator. The actuarial math involved in performing that calculation is … intense.
As an interesting side note, this week I saw my very first DEU commutation of a life pension with COLA increase. Unlike the typical commutations everyone receives from the DEU, this commutation calculation was devoid of the actual methodology used. I was pretty disappointed to find this out.
No matter! Help beta test the new calculator by dropping me a line. After you’ve given it a whirl, let me know what you think.
Last week while Steve was at the Sacramento WCAB he heard about a recent case that held the COLA / SAWW adjustments and increases are calculated based upon the first January 1 following the date of injury. ((COLA = cost of living adjustment.)) ((SAWW = state average weekly wage.))
This case involving SIF (the subsequent injuries fund) is from the San Jose WCAB. The name of the case is “XYZZXSJO2 v. Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, ADJ 1510738, SJO 0251902”. The name of the Applicant was anonymized to protect their identity. ((I hope to have a scan of this decision for you soon!)) ((David DePaolo of WorkCompCentral.com has graciously allowed me permission to offer you a copy of XYZZXSJO2 for download! Thanks David!))
Download a copy of XYZZXSJO2 now!
Thus far the conventional wisdom has been that the COLA/SAWW increases are calculated starting with the first January 1 after life pension gets paid out. This is a tremendous change in the COLA/SAWW calculation of life pension.
Assuming a 1/1/2003 injury at exactly 70% permanent partial disability, there would be 426.5 weeks of permanent disability paid after the permanent and stationary date before the life pension gets paid out. This equates to 8.2 years from the permanent and stationary date that has, thus far, not been taken into account with life pension calculations to date. To put this in perspective, if someone had an injury on 1/1/2003 and became P&S on that same date ((Not likely.)) , the traditional method of calculating the life pension with COLA / SAWW increase would be too low by approximately 44%.
At the moment I’m finalizing a COLA / SAWW life pension calculator to determine what the future life pension rates are assuming a COLA / SAWW increase of 4.7% per year. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester for this COLA / SAWW calculator for life pension increases, please drop me a line and ask for access.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a citation for the 4.7% COLA / SAWW increase, but I believe it to be the offiical average used by the DEU ((Disaiblity Evaluation Unit.)) to calculate commutations of COLA / SAWW increases and adjustments. If you have an official citation or document from the DEU, please drop me a line so I can include that citation here!