How to Stop Spam

Several months ago I listed several obvious and non-obvious benefits to owning your own domain name. ((Photo courtesy of chotda)) One of the less than obvious benefits was a way to avoid and stop spam. Two easy ways to do this are to:
- Set up a default e-mail address to collect all the misaddressed mail. Then, if you have to sign up for something or give out a valid e-mail address, you just make up an e-mail address at your domain. It will go to your server and then be directed to your “catch-all” address. If the made-up address includes the name of the place you gave your e-mail address to, then you know the source of your spam. This is easy to fix by just creating a filter at the server for that one address.
- You can also create an address just for the purposes of giving out to sites/people you think will send you spam. If you get too much, just delete the account.
In just the last two months I’ve been getting spam about:
- Why celebrities love the acai berry
- Free life insurance quotes
- Discount ink and toner
- Protecting my family against financial hardship
A while ago I sent an e-card to a friend of mine. EVER since then I’ve been getting these spam e-mails to that address. How do I know these e-mails are from that e-card website?
All of these spam e-mails are being sent to: !