500 Registered Users!

Wow! 500 registered users!
Last month I mentioned that this website had a record number of new visitors. I honestly thought that was an anomalous one day spike in traffic. Instead we’ve had a sustained increase in new visitors and people signing up to use the workers’ compensation calculators for free.
Since February 13, 2009 ((When the 400th user registered.)) I’ve enjoyed posting about:
- New Important Workers’ Compensation Cases
- Two New Calculators
- Ogilvie DFEC Rebuttal Calculator
- XYZZXSJO2 Future Life Pension Rate with COLA/SAWW Increases ((I am keeping this calculator in beta testing until I get a little more feedback. If you want to try it out, just drop me a line!))
- Online Glasses – Reviewed!
- PDRater.com Milestones:
Ever since I relaunched this website I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind that getting to 500 users would be a big deal. There are literally hundreds of workers’ compensation professionals who rely on this website and its calculators to make their lives a little easier. This certainly feels like a big deal to me.