A Man’s Got To Have A Dream

And my dream is to do four walk through settlements at three different WCAB district offices in one single day. ((Photo courtesy of robertrice)) ((I told this dream to a co-worker yesterday and he laughed and called me a nerd. Pssh – tell me something I don’t know, Steve.))
I’ve given this a lot of thought and I even have a plan as to how to get this done. If I ever got the chance to do four walk throughs at four Boards in one day, I’d do it like this:
- Get up early, arrive at the Santa Rosa WCAB at 8:00 AM and attempt the first walk through
- Head to San Francisco over the Golden Gate for the second walk through
- In the afternoon, do the third walk-through in San Jose
- Hit the road for Oakland and do the fourth walk through
- According to Google Maps, that’s 234 miles and 4 hours and 26 minutes
I honestly don’t even know if this is possible. ((Perhaps this might be easier in Southern California – there’s as many as seven Boards within about 15 or 20 miles of one another.)) There are a million things that could go wrong. I could hit traffic, I could be missing a page from a benefits printout, someone could change their mind about the settlement, a doctor could issue a supplemental report. I also know that I would need a LOT of things to go right. Here’s my tentative checklist:
- Four walk through settlements ready to be approved at four different Boards (this is easily the toughest part)
- Four claims examiners standing by on speed dial
- One full calendar day
- A fully charged GPS, two fully charged cell phones
- A full tank of gas
- $55.00 or so ($10 for bridge tolls, about $5 for photocopies, and easily another $40 for parking)
- A bag of snacks (I’m probably not going to have time for lunch)
- Call ahead to all of the Boards to make sure I can do a walk through that day
- The good will and cooperation of the Board staff and my colleagues
However, having done two walk through settlements in a single morning gives me hope.