Ogilvie II, Almaraz/Guzman II – Reader Digest Versions

First off, if you haven’t already downloaded Ogilvie II and Almaraz/Guzman II, do so now!
As I mentioned previously, each of these cases is about 50 pages long, so there is clearly no substitute for reading them for yourself. However, here’s Ogilvie II and Almaraz/Guzman II in five sentences: ((Photo courtesy of Scallop Holden))
- Ogilvie v. WCAB II:
- The WCAB ruled the original Ogilvie (I) formula is still valid.
- The WCAB appears to have created a right to reopen a case for “individualized proportional earnings loss.”
- Vocational testimony is not an appropriate way to dispute the DFEC portion of the 2005 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule.
- (Bonus Dissent Summary: The lone dissent by Caplane says that vocational testimony should be considered proper rebuttal to an entire permanent disability rating.)
- Almaraz/Guzman II:
- The WCAB ruled that a doctor must issue reports within the “four corners” of the AMA Guides 5th Edition to comply with Labor Code Section 4660(c). ((Here, the phrase “four corners of the AMA Guides” just means the parties are restricted to the actual text of the AMA Guides and cannot use analogies and evidence from outside the AMA Guides.))
- However, either party may obtain rebuttal evidence in the form of supplemental reports and depositions regarding the use of any other chapter, method, or table within the AMA Guides.
- (Bonus Dissent Summary: The dissenting opinion from Brass, Caplane, and Moresi says they would affirm their decision in Almaraz/Guzman I.)
What do these cases mean for the practitioner?
- The WCAB has created a new right to reopen for a higher than expected “individualized proportional earnings loss.”
- The Ogilvie Mathematical Proof of 18 Point Add-Ons still stands.
- I see even more doctor depositions in my future.
- My phone is going to be ringing off the hook tomorrow.