Want to be a beta tester?

I’m working on a new calculator and I could use some beta testers. ((Photo courtesy of CaptPiper))
If you’re interested, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
I’m working on a new calculator and I could use some beta testers. ((Photo courtesy of CaptPiper))
If you’re interested, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
I have several new calculators in the works and could use a few guinea pigs to help test them. A few days ago I sent an e-mail to a select few of this website’s users asking them to participate. As a result of their testing and feedback, I’ve made a few changes to these new calculators.
However, I’d also appreciate the help of anyone interested in testing. If you are willing to provide feedback and want to try out these new calculators, please send me an e-mail.
I’ve just built another new workers’ compensation calculator. Actually, it is a look up tool that will help workers’ compensation professionals file documents with EAMS. ((Photo courtesy of Irene on the run))
While I think the recent Verify!® social security number validator may be more intriguing for defense attorneys and claims examiners, I think this new EAMS tool will probably be more useful to Applicant attorneys.
Interested? Just drop me a line to become a beta tester!
I’m working on several more workers compensation calculators. I’m really excited about one of them in particular. ((Photo courtesy of Wal mink))
I’ve been working to develop calculators and search engines that are easier to use, easier to understand, and make them available to everyone for less than my competitors. One benefit to doing it all myself is that I can innovate faster than anyone else. For instance, my wildly popular Ogilvie calculator was available to beta testers just days after the Ogilvie case came out.
But, this new calculator is something entirely new. Tantalized? Titilated? Tremulous?
Stay tuned!
What’s that? You haven’t memorized ALL of the FEC ranks to go with each of the 2005 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule body parts? ((You’ve only had four years, right?))
Why didn’t you say so? (Actually, someone did ask for an easy way to look up the FEC ranks back on April 1).
I’ve been working on an easy way to allow a user to look up and quickly insert the FEC rank for the affected body part. I finally got around to building it a few days ago and launched it this morning. Please give it a shot and let me know what you think.
Here’s all you need to do to perform your very own Ogilvie calculation:
If you can think of a way for me to make this calculator even easier, please let me know. ((Photo courtesy of Vicki’s Pics))