If you want to combine multiple disabilities for injuries before 2005, ((After 2005, you may need to use the Combined Values Chart from the 2005 PDRS.)) you can:
Use the six step formula in the 1997 PDRS on page 7-12.
Use the two page chart in the 1997 PDRS on pages 7-15 to 7-16 ((FYI: The multiple disabilities chart in the rating schedules gives you disability increments of 5% points.)) ((The chart on the right is from the 1988 PDRS))
Now, when a paid subscriber calculates the CVC or MDT of multiple ratings, the calculated combined rating is fed to the dollar value of permanent disability calculator and the dollar value calculated.
This puppy has nothing to do with this post whatsoever.
Last Friday I announced some “website tweaks.” Since then a paid subscriber ((As opposed to a free subscriber)) reiterated a feature request. ((Thanks Marc!)) As a paid subscriber, he is able to calculate an unlimited number of ratings so that they all show up on a single page. Basically, he wanted to be able to see the dollar value for a particular permanent partial disability percentage at the same time as a rating.
This isn’t the first time I’ve wrestled with the problems in creating such a feature. There are several problems with incorporating this feature into the calculator’s page.
The rating calculator does not require the date of injury, just the age of the injured worker. Without the date of injury, the website cannot properly display the dollar value of a permanent partial disability percentage.
When a paid subscriber has performed more than one rating calculation on a page, the website cannot decide which rating string to convert into the equivalent number of dollars.
This exact feature had been suggested by other users in the past. ((And even some competitors!!!)) My original thinking was that trying to accommodate this feature request would involve too many unknown variables. After giving the matter some more thought, here’s what I’ve come up with:
Paid subscribers benefit from improved print formatting. Basically, I’ve created a special file that changes the way the calculator page looks when a paid subscriber is printing. ((The special file is actually just some CSS to optimize page for printing.)) Paid subscribers benefit from having the calculator page streamlined specifically for printing.
Paid subscribers can have more than one calculator open at a time. This one feature probably addresses 90% of this user’s concerns. If you’re able to keep both calculators open at the same time, it should be easy to perform a rating and then turn the percentage into a dollar value.
Paid subscribers receive automatic calculations of dollar value of ratings. When a paid subscriber performs a rating calculation, the “Dollar Value of Permanent Disability” calculator automatically opens and the dollar value of the rating is automatically calculated. The user will still have to adjust calculation to account for the year of the injury. However, this is probably the most elegant solution to this issue.
Appearances, whether for a hearing or deposition, require additional equipment, preparation, and forethought. Here’s what I carry with me when I’m scheduled to appear.
Cell phone
Phone numbers for the office, destination, and client programmed in the day before.
Photocopier code programmed into the phone.
Includes calculator. ((Since workers’ compensation is really just math.))
Alarm. When parking at a meter, set the phone’s alarm for 5 minutes before time expires.
Address and phone number of destination programmed in the day before.
$5 is the bare minimum, in case I need to be across a bridge on short notice.
Quarters for parking.
Bills for photocopies.
Copy cards.
Every time I use a copy card, I write the date and amount remaining on it in permanent ink.
BART tickets
I consider $5 a minimum, in case I need to be in S.F. on short notice.
Extra batteries.
Leather bound folder
Legal pad
PD chart
Mini-rating manual for 1997 and 2005 ((I’ve created my own “mini-rating” manual. Its basically comprised of excerpts from the 1997 and 2005 manuals. Carrying this obviates the need for the 100+ page manuals.))
Settlement documents.
You never know when a case might unexpectedly settle.
Record release forms.
You never know when a settlement might fall through.