Social Security Number Validator powered by Verify!
Social Security Number Validator powered by Verify!(R)

As promised!  A new calculator!

Well, check out my new social security number online search tool, powered by  It has some pretty cool features.  You can Verify!®:

  • whether a social security number is in a valid format
  • what year a social security number was issued
  • in what state the social security number was issued
  • whether the person to whom the social security number has passed away

Riddle me this!
Riddle me this!

Yesterday afternoon in Fresno I showed another attorney how I could perform an Ogilvie calculation on my cell phone using the best workers’ compensation calculator website in the world.

  • He looked at me and asked me, “How much does this cost?”
  • I answered, “They’re free.”
  • He asked me, “Well, why the heck am I paying for _______?” ((Oh, YOU know who he was talking about…))

I don’t know. ((Photo courtesy of Santheo))

Need help with a workers compensation calculator?
Need help with a workers' compensation calculator?

I put out the call for help testing my Ogilvie DFEC rebuttal calculator and got a bite!  ((Photo courtesy of Joy of the Mundane.)) I wrote it two days ago and refined it a little bit last night. ((Because I’m a total workers’ compensation nerd.))

If anyone else is interested in helping test this Ogilvie DFEC rebuttal calculator, please drop me a line and let me know.

The ideal tester is someone who:

  1. Has read Ogilvie and understands how to do the Ogilvie DFEC rebuttal calculations
  2. Is willing to use the Ogilvie DFEC rebuttal calculator this weekend
  3. Is willing to e-mail me with feedback this weekend so I can launch it on Monday to the public

If you’re not a registered user for this website, its free to sign up and free to use all the workers’ compensation calculators.

You heard me, free as in free.