Pocket Calculators

I was at the San Jose WCAB on Friday. Since recently discovering that I could run this website’s permanent disability rating calculators from my phone’s web browser, this was the first time I left my rating manual, money chart, and date wheel in the car. ((Photo courtesy of .robbie))
It was great. That morning I used my phone to:
- Find the ADJ number associated with the legacy SJO number on my file
- Calculate an Ogilvie adjustment of a rating string
- Calculate the number days between two dates
- Perform old and new schedule ratings
- Perform a CVC (combined values chart) calculation ((Oh, and I called my client at one point. Ha!))
The benefit for me is not so much that I don’t have to carry the rating manuals, dollar value charts, and date wheels. Unlike these tools, my phone is not something I’m going to misplace or loan and never see again.
The best part is that if I want to refer back to the calculation I just performed, I can just e-mail it to myself!